
產品 > 盲人觸覺引路帶 > 不銹鋼盲人觸覺位置


Safe-Walka®不銹鋼盲人觸覺位置 1
Grade #316 Stainless Steel
Type III (Positional Signal)
Dia.23 x 5mm(Thk.)
Steel in integral single piece (The leg never broken)


The Safe-Walk® stainless steel tactile warning marker can be installed onto different floors such as marble, ceramic tile, granite artificial granite tile, glass, vinyl tile, steel,  and cement mortar surfaces in various locations, for ecample, building entrances, lift lobby, shopping arcades, escalator approaches, curb ramps, staircases and crosswalks for both internal and external uses. When the markers are arranged in the certain patterns, they will provide different signals to the blind such as warning signal, going signal or turning direction signal. Therefore, the Safe-Walk® stainless steel tactile provides clear and safe guiding paths and signals to the disabled in need.


Product : Safe-Walk® stainless steel tactile warning marker
Material : Grade #316 Stainless Steel (Rust-resistant material)
Formation : Steel in integral single piece (The leg never broken)


Technical Compliance :
(1) ASTM #316 grade stainless steel testing.
(2) ASTM C1028-96 testing of coefficient of friction >0.67.
(3) Pull Out Testing at Applied Force >1200(N).
(4) Shear Test at Applied Force 14000(N).
*****5 Years Warranty.